What is the Student Council up to?

Ava DiMatteo

Everyone’s been wondering what is going on with the student council. When are they going to plan something? Will there ever be a social life at Waltham High again? What can they even do? An interview conducted with the class of 2024 class officers reveals some answers.

Waltham’s Class of 2024 is represented by Sonya Patel as president, Sabina Saxe as vice president, James Hutchinson as treasurer, and Mackenzie Walsh as secretary. Many of their reasons for stepping up to these roles involve lack of popularity surrounding the role. James Hutchinson explains the main reason he initially took the role of treasurer was because “nobody ran for treasurer.” He saw this as his opportunity to put his perspective into things. Sonya Patel has similar reasoning for wanting to be a class officer. She states,“I’m friends with a lot of people that don’t voice their opinions in school, but often have great ideas when I have conversations with them, so I feel like I can be the voice for them.” 

Some might wonder how they’re able to collaborate and get things done with each other. Sabina Saxe explains,“We all kind of work together when it comes to ideas and then after, when we have something to do and we want to execute it, that’s when we kind of branch out and then do our roles.” In this way, most of their jobs are very similar, so they’re able to equally split up the workload. 

The representatives are wanting to listen to their peers, so they encourage their peers to raise their concerns. Social media has a huge effect on how students are getting their information. Specifically, the class officers have an Instagram page where students can go for both information on upcoming events as well as a place to voice their opinions. You might be thinking ‘What about students who aren’t on any social media?’ Mackenzie Walsh has the solution for you:  Meetings! “[If] students want to come, they have opinions, they want to voice them, they can come to any meetings.” Usually the meetings are held during Hawk Block, which is a block put into effect to give time in the school day for students to meet with their teachers. So, for anyone with grievances or compliments with how the class officers are doing, you can tell them!

On the topic of grievances surrounding the student council, people are getting antsy about wanting a school dance. Sonya mentions having something in the works, but highlights a clear obstacle in the way. “With how things are going with Covid, our restrictions are becoming even more and more tight. We’re doing the best we can to plan some sort of event. But of course before an event we need a fundraiser, and fundraisers are super difficult during Covid because food is a big thing that brings in money.” The class officers would like you to know that they are indeed trying their absolute best to get what they can for the sophomore class. With the most recent surge in cases, it’s no wonder that there doesn’t seem to be much of a social life at Waltham High.